Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Blogiversary!

I am up in the wee hours as I was struck with some sort of gastro bug in the wee hours of yesterday morning and spent all day in bed which meant that when I woke up at 3:30 a.m., feeling quite a bit better than I felt at any point yesterday, I wasn't able to go right back to sleep. I had yet to write the assignment for my Thursday class (because I wasn't able to do anything substantial yesterday) and so I took a stab at that. I have a draft now... that's all it might be this week. And that's o.k. with me. As I put the header on it and checked the calendar on my computer for the proper date, I thought "Hey, Aprl 8th sounds familiar and significant, why is that?" I thought for a minute and realized that that was the day, 2 years ago, that we found out we were pregnant! How ironic that I've spent the last 24 hours puking! (And no, I'm not pregnant again. This is way nastier than pregnancy!) This also means that this marks the two year anniversary of the birth of this blog!

Check out that first post if you have a moment...


esperanza said...

What a nice day to remember. I read that first again, and it made me cry again. I remember exactly here I was and what I was doing when you called me. You were so joyful, and for good reason. Blessings to you--hope you feel better--and Kev ans C.

Heidi Haverkamp said...

Happy blogiversary! Thanks for sharing the journey with us.

esperanza said...

Yikes, sorry for all the typos and missing words. Typing one-handed while feeding R.

Sarah S-D said...

no worries, e! been there!!! i didn't even notice!

Byrde said...

Wow! 2 years feels like I lifetime ago. I must have left a comment at another spot or maybe only in my head, but I remember feeling amazing joy for you and Kev. The same sort of joy I felt when I looked through the latest bunch of pics you put up. Wow!

Silent said...

I went back to the first post. Near the end you wrote, "Maybe there will be no baby." It really struck me today--not sure why. But now we know--there is certainly a baby! A beautiful healthy 16 month old named Caroline Grace--your gift finally given. She was certainly an Advent/Christmas baby, but she is also an Easter baby!

Weston and William's Blog said...

Sarah, I've really enjoyed reading bits and pieces of your blog this evening! Isn't it funny how being a mother can really bring people together? You seem like such a fantastic mother! So glad you have that little angel in your life!