An hour or so later we stopped for lunch at a lovely rest stop. I have NEVER so appreciated a rest stop as I did on this gorgeous day. Caroline gleefully ran across the grass, and checked out other families (as the first pic indicates!) She munched a bit at the picnic table, but she just gloried in being outside. And then got back in the car and eventually settled into a nap for most of the rest of the ride. We will enjoy rest stop picnics for years to come, I think.
Godmama Katie kept Caroline during the wedding, driving her around until she fell asleep, and then brought the sleeping princess to us for the reception. She would have happily held on to her all afternoon, but we thought she'd want to be a part of the party. Indeed, at times, she was... though exploring the church was also fun. She woke up shortly after getting there. Here she is alone on the dance floor, doing her own thing with her sippy cup.
Caroline Grace and Nola Grace- 2nd cousins, I believe- born exactly a week a part, interacted a bit more at this wedding than they did at the family reunion in June (though they interacted a bit there as well). I couldn't get a great pic of both of them at the same time... but here are a few attempts.
A few more solo shots of C from the hearth where she spent a great deal of time with Nola, watching the dancing crowd.
And two with mommy late in the party...
And back at the hotel...
Perhaps you read this status update on facebook- "Caroline decided she wanted some of the watermelon I was scooping out tonight, so she opened one cupboard drawer at her level and pulled out a small stainless steel bowl which she then handed to me to fill. I told her she'd have to sit if she was going to eat watermelon so she opened another cupboard door and sat down and waited... and then ate the watermelon in the cupboard!" Well here's the documentary evidence... Too. Darn. Cute.
And just this past weekend, after I took my Latin exam, we headed north. We flew into Albany, crashed at a motel there late that night, and then drove a rented car to Williamstown, MA, for the memorial service for Kev's Great Aunt Betsy. We didn't start taking pics until the long stretch of time that we spent with family at Aunt Betsy's beautiful estate after the funeral. Caroline gloried in all the time outdoors with lots of playmates, especially cousin Eyut (Elliot has a name in Caroline's mind now! Yay!) and Eepa. She wasn't so sure about the newer cousins, but the one closer to her size got some attention. Eepa blew us away with her energetic play with Elliott and Caroline. Rolling down "the mountain" and swinging them around or flying them on her legs (something I couldn't even manage to do!) She even helped them transform the door way to a storm cellar into a slide! She declared herself "in her element," and indeed, she was. And Caroline and Elliott loved every minute of their precious Eepa time. What a treat! Here's a boat load of pictures from that marvelous family time.
A few shots outside the inn in Mass. We were glorying in the weather... cool enough for jeans??? REALLY? And it was a surprise that Elliott and Doug were there. We thought only Kev's sister Janet was going to be able to make it. But it is so wonderful that all three were there. Back to back weekends really sealed Caroline's attachment to her cousin!
It was a particular blessing that both of our families were able to be together with Pa and Eepa for the weekend because Sunday was their 40th wedding anniversary. Janet assembled a lovely book of remembrances offered by many who have been a part of their lives these past 40 years and presented it at a lunch. Here are the lovebirds 40 years later!
And here is Elliott enjoying the spaghetti he simply had to have! Mmm... yummy! Caroline's grilled cheese went untouched as she slept right through lunch.
And Pa and Eepa with their grandkids... the best shot we were able to get... so tricky...
And some more family shots...
And a few more sweet ones right before saying goodbye...
After lunch we had some time before needing to get the car back to Albany. We went to visit Aunt Betsy's grace and then headed to her property for a walk. I had never been past the house and the immediately surrounding land, but it stretches for a ways. We had a lovely walk, picking wildflowers, sharing memories, looking at butterflies and birds, skipping stones on the creek. It was a gentle way to say goodbye to this important person and place in Kev's life. There were forget me nots right by the stream, and that is what inspired me to start picking a few flowers...
And then Mamie and Papa picked us up in Albany... we had a marvelous long drive to Syracuse. A good story for another time.
On Monday, Uncle Dan and Aunt Lauren were off work so we went to eat lunch at Erawan (yum) and see Despicable Me, a movie for which Caroline has LOVED the commercials. Before the opening credits... she was OUT. And stayed that way...
She enjoyed some rides at the mall after the film.
We then had a nice visit with Alisha, Logan, Dylan, and Zac (and eventually Tom too).
And then on Tuesday she had a great play day with Mamie and Papa and then all of us headed to Pulaski for a lovely evening with cousin Wendy and her awesome family, and with dear friends the Adsits who came down from Lowville. Wendy once again made Caroline and Gracie (cousins just three weeks apart!) matching dresses. So beautiful. And Caroline had a GREAT time in the pool. She loved the floatie they had. She kept sitting on the top step and then pushing off and kicking to me! So exciting.
Heather Adsit was an especially great playmate for C on this visit.
The pool, the glorious pool...
And a few more family shots...
And let's end with this though it is not the last one taken.
Thanks to everyone who showed us such marvelous hospitality these past few weeks. It was a gift to have so much quality time with loved ones.
Phew. Were you starving for pics? Now you're probably gorged! I truly was selective... Hope this makes up for a long wait! Three posts, all with pics, in one night! As the semester starts Monday I figured I'd better get to posting now