Sunday, September 5, 2010

other random thoughts about C at 21 months!

  • PUSH! She loves this verb. It means "to move an object any way I wish to move it."

  • She continues to be a GREAT eater. We ate out at an Indian place a few weeks ago (in lieu of our usual every other week Mexican because we were a bit Mexicaned out) and she was grooving on the tamarind sauce and eagerly gobbled up bits of both of our curries. Tonight she was eagerly eating veggies dipped in spicy peanut sauce.

  • Her favorite book at the moment is an old Colors book gifted to us by dear Mary Baird, in Wooster, Ohio. This was a book that belonged to her children. It has marvelous paintings in it and lots of words. It is a favorite potty read.

  • Potty time is story time.

  • She's fond of commanding people to "sit down!" Especially when she is seated on the potty. One of us should also be seated and reading at times such as this.

  • She still LOVES the outdoors, loves digging in the dirt, and loves making new friends she happens to meet outside.

  • She loves getting messy, but doesn't like being messy. After getting covered in dirt she ceremoniously wipes herself off. And she sometimes insists on getting her hands washed. Her face... well... that can ALWAYS wait.

  • She seems to be grasping the idea of "coloring in." She chose purple crayon and pen for decorating my birthday card and scribbled over every picture and word!

  • She's really into hugging now, especially upon saying goodbye. She says "Ag! Ag!" and stretches out both arms.

  • She's rarely distressed upon saying goodbye!

  • She is now fully capable of sleeping through the night and has done so frequently in the last month- not so much in the last week however.... the nap schedule being off has messed things up.

  • She is tall! Lately when she's been playing with 2 year olds, she's the taller one!

Tried to post a video... but blogger is not cooperating. Another time.


Diane M. Roth said...

so lovely!

daisy said...

oh Caroline you are so lucky to have Mommy making a recording of your weekly/monthly develop,ment! I remember quite bit of your mommy's and Aunt Katherine's and Uncle Daniel's babytime, this will be so wonderful to have in the future. Love You, Mamie

jsd said...

how very sweet :)