Tuesday, October 5, 2010

22 months!

22 months ago today Caroline entered the world. And she is presently sleeping in a toddler bed! She is less a baby every day. She is still, very much, our baby.

Today Kev was an amazing, generous soul (everyday Kev is an amazing generous soul). On Tuesdays he typically watches Alistair, Ethan and Fiona. Alistair was returning home from Boston with his mom. And Ethan and Fiona's mom offered her midwifery gifts to a guest in this country from Cameroon. She got a call at midnight that Lia seemed to be finally in active labor (it has been coming all week). She didn't sleep a wink after that call. And by 6:30 she knew she needed to go. So Kev drove Caroline there and spent all day there. And a very healthy little boy entered the world, at the home of her host (a good friend of Sam's) with the support of other midwives offering their services for free as well, after much praying, in what sounds like an absolutely remarkable birth. Another home birth, 22 months to the day. And we played a little part in it! A fitting way to celebrate.

That's all for today. Still amazing. Over and out.

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