Tuesday, October 28, 2008

anyone know the last spoken line from "Juno"?

I was weepy last night. I just don't feel ready for the baby. And as, in two days, I'll be five weeks from due... that scares me and saddens me and overwhelms me...

In the midst of comforting me, Kev quoted the last line from Juno as he remembered it something about "We're not other people". It was comforting... I'd like to know what the line is exactly. Does anybody know?

I wasted some perfectly good studying time today trying to find it on-line.


ymp said...

I love a good google challenge. I think I might have found it.

"I guess normalcy really isn't our style."

Found that here: http://www.themoviequotes.com/6/Juno/page_2
hope this helps

Sarah S-D said...

thanks, ymp. you rock.

Heidi Haverkamp said...

Hang in there, Sarah. God is full of grace. Take good care of yourself.

Mama V said...

What a great movie. There's certainly nothing "normal" about the path you and K have taken. The song "Taking The Long Way" by the Dixie Chicks is always comforting to me...

And even if you weren't trying to get ahead in a Ph.D. program and adjusting to life in a strange new city and new home and had all the dishes washed and the diapers stocked and the nursery ready... you might probably still feel similarly. And you'll be ready enough in the end... All that baby needs is your arms and your love (and your breasts!) and that's it!

Be kind to yourself, amazing mama. You're working your tail off and juggling so many balls! And let us know if we can somehow help you from afar.

Rivkah said...

Juno was such a great movie. I can see how it would make a new mom-to-be a little weepy too.
And the truth is, no matter how ready you are, you never *feel* ready. mama v is right, all that baby needs is already attached right to you. Funny how God worked things out that way, yeah? :)

Jennifer Garrison Brownell said...

ditto everyone else's comments... you are loved!

Silent said...

There are things I hoped to have ready/done before Baby Girl came that still aren't done and she turns 5 months old this week!

Hugs to you Sarah!

daisy said...

sarah dear, babies are very flexible really and will adjust. Remember the line from the Best Christmas Pagent Ever, "Gladdys slept in a drawer. Many babies have. You will be ready when the time comes. Remember Carrie's words, "Everything will be ok in the end, if it's not ok, it's not the end." Or Julian of Norwich All shall be well, in all manners of things, all shall be well." Love, Mom Daisy

LittleMary said...

sorry i couldn't talk the other night. maybe it was this night. they are all mixing together for me. just checking in my blogs my one night without houseguests. love you.