Saturday, June 21, 2008

Quick Update on the Latest Prenatal Visit

Up two more pounds- total of 6- in 16 weeks... not too terrible. No wonder my jeans still fit. Not sure how this is possible given my recent affinity for potatoes... especially when fried.

Sugar levels and protein levels and the like all good.

Blood Pressure- lowest it has ever been. 98 over something... 60 something I think. Could it be because my office is packed and I don't have to write a sermon for as far into the future as I can see?

I can take claritin now, ALLELUIA!

Baby's heartbeat- 156. And I could hear it much more clearly this time.

My sister attended the appointment with Kev and me. This was nice.

Next (and last with this practice) appt will be the big ultrasound at 19 weeks... a few days before we pack the truck. A few days after we get back from CA. Kinda think the blood pressure will be a bit higher then.

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