Saturday, June 21, 2008

So many people to tell...

Running into lots of loved ones here at G.A. most of whom do not know any of my exciting news.

I saw a seminary colleague today. I saw her for the first time last summer since she graduated oh... eight years ago maybe. We shared fertility pain then. So I asked "do you know any of my news?" She put her hands on my shoulders and said "I don't think so, but I'm eager to hear whatever it is from you." "I'm pregnant!" She hugged me. "How far along?" "Second trimester, 16 weeks." She got all excited and pointed to her belly "December 6th!" she declared. I pointed to my belly "December 4th!" We hugged again. She thanked me for my patience and perseverance. I told her it happened when we gave up. We laughed.

I have a picture I have to post when I have more energy of the moment I told an elderly couple from the Methodist Church in town who came to my goodbye barbeque to say goodbye. My sister captured the moment beautifully.

It is so fabulous to share this news.


Sneaksleep said...

I am still so happy for you I can't even put it into words--sharing the news must only compound your own joy. I've no doubt that you're right about your reasons for lower blood pressure. :)

Jon said...

Very nice stories! Enjoy the Presby love. Maybe next time we could reunion pre-GA--I've actually never been.