Saturday, December 6, 2008

Numerically Speaking*

24- hours of pre-labor warm-up

24- hours of early labor

26.5- hours of active labor

3- hours of sleep in the above 74.5

8.5- hours of pushing included in the active labor total above

2:34 on the 5th- when Caroline Grace at last entered the world

7 - pounds, 10- ounces- Caroline's weight at birth.

20- inches- Caroline's length

14- inches- circumference of Caroline's head

10- perfect fingers with lovely long nails (shorter now- daddy trimmed them)

10- LONG toes attached to big feet at the end of strong legs

So many- overjoyed, grateful hearts.

It means the world to know that so many kept vigil with us through our long labor and delivery. Our birth team was incredible. Our daughter is beautiful. Thanks be to God. And thanks be to all of you.

* I know you're waiting for pictures. I may add pictures to this post later, but between feeding and sleeping and recovering... posting pics is a bit time consuming at the moment!!!


Sherry Mc said...

Perfect baby, perfect parents - long, long labor - well done!!! The hard work fades with time, but Caroline Grace will forever be a part of you two. Our love Aunt Sherry and Hugh

Anonymous said...

wow. So so happy for you all! Keep feeding and resting and being in awe - -pics will wait.

Kelly said...

Caroline's head was 14 cm-OUCH!!! Especially when one considers that a woman only dialates to 10cm!

Yet, here you are a mother at long last, and despite the difficulty in conceiving and the lengthy labor, your heart is overflowing with love and gratitude. We too, offer praise and thanks to our loving God...Thank you Lord for answered prayers- for perfect baby Caroline-may she always walk in your light, Thank you for Kevin and Sarah-Give them renewed strength and energy in this new journey of parenthood. Amen!

Kelly said...

By the way, I haven't shared the news of Caroline's arrival yet, wanted to have permission first-is it okay?

Magdalene6127 said...

(((Sarah and Kevin and Caroline)))

Abby's Mom said...

Totally understandable! Rest up Mama :)

Iris said...

Thanks for the update. We'll wait for the pics, no hurry. I hope that the nursing is going well.

(((S-D Family)))

Jane R said...

Glory be to Godde! And congratulations to you! Welcome, Caroline!

ymp said...

We'll wait for pictures--take care of your self and baby!

Unknown said...

Dear, dear Sarah and Kevin...
I know we've never met - but I have heard about your struggles to have a child through Katherine for years now, and I have attended many, many long, hard births. You are not alone.
I know the journey of Caroline's birth seemed like a lifetime, and it was. But if you also look at the Other Numbers:
___ Years we wanted to have a baby
___ Times we tried to conceive
___ Prayers we said asking the Lord for a child
___ Dollars we spend looking for an answer
___ Doctors we visited looking for an answer...

I think you might feel a little better...

Sometimes labor takes a woman and her partner to very dark, very hard places. Your faith in everything - women's bodies, the baby, birth, time, marriage, God - is tested. We may never know why this test takes longer than others sometimes - but we just have to accept that our story is ours; it cannot be another's. It was as it was meant to be... difficult as it may be to accept and puzzle out.
I know Sarah is tired and probably grieving her dreamed-of quick and beautiful birth - but what the two of you have gone through for this baby - all of it - all of the numbers - add up to three. And there you three are - and now it is time to start a new set of numbers! :-) Just don't count the hours of solid sleep you get - it will make you crazy!
Congratulations again. Please have Katherine give me a call!

Sarah S-D said...

thanks all.

rhonda, thank you especially.

i actually thought about including the numbers you suggested. they were in my mind as i thought about this post until i had a window to post it. not that i know what all those numbers are... but... yes... i thought about it.

immediately following the birth i was low, but i am in MUCH better space now. was better already yesterday and am far better today. more grateful than anything else. she is stunningly beautiful, just amazing, and the wait for her... has taught me rich lessons. not that i wish such waiting on anyone, ever... but... i will give thanks for it.

thank you, again, rhonda. someday we'll meet.

Jennifer said...

One God, listening, aching with you, and ultimately making a way for this most desired gift. God does indeed give us the desires of our heart....but it's always for us to ponder whether the desires themselves are the gift or the fruits of them. The work does indeed fade with time. My two births were very different--and I found myself sometimes apologizing for elements of each, despite having my ultimate goals accomplished. It was a great lesson for me that the journey will be bumpy at points--I will falter and lose my confidence. But the arrival makes any aspect of the journey worth traveling, and the destination that much sweeter. Enjoy every moment!

Desert Mama said...

I remember reading somewhere before my first birth (which had many similarities to yours - long, hard labor - not what I plannned) that, especially for those of us who go into motherhood being used to planning and controlling our own lives, a labor that is not as planned can be the gift of allowing us to let go and trust - to realize that in motherhood, we are not in control - we guide and shape, but cannot control our children. Hope that makes sense - it was a great comfort to me as I worked through my own emotions after M's birth.
Oh, and you will figure out how to post pictures (and do almost everything else) one-handed in a few weeks - give it time! :)

esperanza said...

I've been thinking about this post since you first put it up...thinking that life rarely turns out the way we dream it, when measured numerically speaking. But when we measure by other means--grace, love, wonder--it is a far different thing.

Grace and love and wonder to all three of you. And some sleep and rest, too!

daisy said...

I talked with becky griswold today and her Caroline was birthed after many,mnay hours of pushing, also posterior. She hurt for a few days but of course began to feel better. Today at PloughShare I saw Alisha and she connected the 81/2 hours pushing with the the other 8's in your life, Thank you too rhonda for saying it so well. I still remember my time foundly with your Mamie

Sandwitchedin said...

Take your time Dear Sarah. These first few days/weeks is for you all to get "use to each other". I remember coming home from the hospital with Ali thinking - OMG, now what do I do?!

I was scared to death to take her in a car, all by myself.

What if I stick her with a diaper pin???? Well, I did. We all survived and so will you.

Take time.

imngrace said...

Rest well, dear ones.

Sue said...

Congratulations Sarah!!!!

my word verification is: drain :)

Mama V said...

Sarah. Sarah. Sarah. We were doing the math as your team was blogging through labor and were just blown away -- not just by the length of time but by your ENDURANCE. Holy smokes. Seriously, you are a ROCKSTAR.

A warm, soft hug to you as your body heals and you rest.