Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I had my prenatal appt at 6, at home. She wasn't sure whether she should be filling out the prenatal form or the early labor form. She went with the prenatal form. She left over an hour later saying, I'm going to take a nap. I look forward to your call at 3 a.m.

I'm leaking amniotic fluid, a slow leak, all day... just like my mom had when she went into labor with me. I'm now more aware of contractions, but they're not painful. I'm trying to time them. They may be 5 minutes apart already.

We're making a double batch of a really yummy Moosewood casserole. We'll eat some of it and then try to get some sleep. But if these contractions really are 5 minutes apart, we'll be making a call before going to bed. Think we'll try out this site recommended by Mama V to try to get an accurate count. It's a bit hard to tell when they start and stop at this point.

We stocked up on yummy food for those who will assist (and for me if I want it). And the birthing room is TOTALLY ready... and lovely. All we need is some candles I think... Hmm...

I can't believe how calm I am. My blood pressure was nice and low at the appt. I'm just curious to see what happens next... curious, but calm.


April said...

Oh my goodness, how exciting! I'll be praying for your continued peace and calm tonight.

Jon said...

I knew it! Glad you're calm. Thinking of you as you near the birth. Emily

KnittinPreacher said...

Excited for you! Prayers for you as well.

Mama V said...

Oh, I'm just so giddy with excitement now! I shouldn't have checked this before going to bed!

Sending prayers for a normal birth as well as energy and courage to make it through. You're going to do great, Sarah! You have countless people surrounding you in spirit with much love and encouragement as you labor on.

j said...

Wow. I was totally expecting this to go on for a couple more weeks. Praying along with you...

Shalom said...

sigh...I am totally going to lose the baby-arrival bet. And I've never been more delighted to lose. Peace to you all in these advent (really, really advent) days.

Cecilia said...

Prayers surrounding all of you my dear one!

Unknown said...

I made the Enchanted Broccoli Forest the night before my first was born. (Just catching up here.)