Tuesday, December 30, 2008

From April to December 2008- in sentences

first sentence of first post of each month starting on april 8, 2008... the day we found out we were pregnant.

April- I was groggy, out of it.

May- So I'm supposed to fly to Louisville next week for leadership training for the General Assembly in June.

June- So, I've arrived at the second trimester!

July- Oh my dear friends and family, if you're still out there reading I thought I should offer an update...

August- These are pictures I've been meaning to post for weeks.

September- I have SO many posts brewing for this blog and no time in which to pour them out.

October- Several weeks ago every night before bed I was reading Ina May Gaskin's guide to childbirth

November- what do you think?

December- Actually, we noticed the drop yesterday.

What a year it has been... these sentences offer no hint of it... ah well.

Happy New Year, all!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Cool idea=what a neat way to recap the year!

So what is your Mantra for 2009...Remember, we said 2008 would be the year for a baby.

For 2009 I am going to stop saying "if" and start saying "when" in terms of permanent employment because I will have that long awaited college degree-HOORAY!!!